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Nitrofurantoin is the fda-approved generic form of brand-name macrodantin.

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Info about Nitrofurantoin drug delivery.

Macrodantin and its generic form. 1 mg/kg of body weight once per day or divided into two doses per day. Macrobid and its generic form. These drugs are not used for the prevention of urinary tract infection.

This medication has been prescribed for your current condition only. Do not use it later for another infection unless your doctor tells you to.

Take Macrobid [Furadantin] with food or milk. Follow your doctor's instructions exactly and complete the course of treatment even if you feel better.

What should I discuss with my healthcare provider before taking nitrofurantoin (Furadantin.Macrobid.Macrodantin)?

Other rare side effects include short-term hair loss.raised pressure in the skull and urinary infection by organisms (germs) which are not sensitive to Macrobid.

Nitrofurantoin oral capsule treats and prevents urinary tract infections that are caused by certain types of bacteria.

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nitrofurantoin is highly soluble in urine, to which it may impart a brown color.

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