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Steven Cohen notes four main themes in the Order purim cookies victimization mythology (Cohen frames them in the past tense.but they are.for most Jews.as viable as ever).

Fortunately he was pleased to see her.and she wasn't executed. He welcomed her.and she.eventually.told him of Haman's plan to exterminate the Jews.

“to raise a piece of matzah and announce (in the present order purim cookies). ‘This is the bread of affliction which our forefathers ate in the land of Egypt.'”

It has also become customary to celebrate Purim with plays.satirical skits (Purimshpiels).disguises.and beauty contests to commemorate Esther's story.

Blessed art Thou.LORD our God.Master of the universe.who sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us regarding the reading of the Megillah. Amen.

Yes.for the entirety of the day. However.it is generally considered polite to refrain from use while in the synagogue.

Usually.”Happy Purim” is suitable.but the Hebrew “Purim Sameach” (Poor-im Sahm-ay-ahch) can also be used.

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