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If artane trihexyphenidyl tends to dry the mouth excessively, it may be better to take it before meals, unless it causes nausea.

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Trihexyphenidyl is an anticholinergic agent used to treat Parkinson's disease. By improving muscle control and reducing stiffness.this medicine allows more normal movements of the body as the disease symptoms are reduced. It is also used to control severe reactions to certain medicines such as reserpine (e.g..Serpasil) (medicine to control high blood pressure) or purchase artane dosage.chlorprothixene (e.g..Taractan).thiothixene (e.g..Navane).loxapine (e.g..Loxitane).and haloperidol (e.g..Haldol) (medicines for nervous.mental.and emotional conditions). It may also be used to treat other conditions as determined by your doctor.

Avoid becoming overheated. Artane may cause decreased sweating. This could lead to heat stroke in hot weather or with vigorous exercise. Try to keep as cool as possible and watch for signs of heat stroke such as decreased sweating.nausea.and dizziness.

Treatment of acute overdose involves symptomatic and supportive therapy. Gastric lavage or other methods to limit absorption should be instituted. A small dose of diazepam or a short-acting barbiturate may be administered if CNS excitation is observed. Phenothiazines are contraindicated because the toxicity may be intensified due to their antimuscarinic action.causing coma. Respiratory support.artificial respiration or vasopressor agents may be necessary. Hyperpyrexia must be reversed.fluid volume replaced purchase artane dosage acid-balance maintained. Urinary catheterization may be necessary. It is not known if ARTANE (trihexyphenidyl) is dialyzable.

Tardive dyskinesia may appear in some patients on long-term therapy with antipsychotic drugs or may occur after therapy with these drugs has been discontinued. Antiparkinsonism agents do not alleviate the symptoms of tardive dyskinesia.and in some instances may aggravate them. However.parkinsonism and tardive dyskinesia often coexist in patients receiving chronic neuroleptic treatment.and anticholinergic therapy with ARTANE (trihexyphenidyl) may relieve some of these parkinsonism symptoms. ARTANE (trihexyphenidyl) is not recommended for use in patients with tardive dyskinesia unless they have concomitant Parkinson's disease.

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