I have been on plavix since march, 2011 when i had a mi and des in my r coronary artery, 98 blockage at 59.
Information about Plavix.
A randomized.placebo-controlled trial (CLARINET) did not demonstrate a clinical benefit of clopidogrel in neonates and infants with cyanotic congenital heart disease palliated with a systemic-to-pulmonary arterial shunt. Possible factors contributing to this outcome were the dose of clopidogrel.the concomitant administration of aspirin and the late initiation of therapy following shunt palliation. It cannot be ruled out that a trial with a different design would demonstrate a clinical benefit in this patient population.
Plavix works by keeping platelets apart and stopping them sticking together and forming clots. It cost plavix 75 mg reduce the risk of a future stroke or heart attack in this way.
Don't take extra pills to make up for a missed dose unless your doctor advises you to do so.
Mayo Clinic cardiologist Raymond Gibbons.M.D..who is president-elect of the American Heart Association.said the latest CLARITY results are likely to change clinical practice.
Never use any medication.including Plavix.unless you are certain you're not allergic to it.
Let your doctor know about any serious conditions you might have.especially those involving bleeding or a blood-clotting disorder like TTP (thrombocytopenic purpura) or hemophilia.
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