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Do not take this medicine with any of the following medications -dofetilide -gatifloxacin -certain contrast medicines given before x-rays, ct scans, mri, or other procedures this medicine may also interact with the following medications -acetazolamide -atorvastatin -certain antiviral medicines for hiv or hepatitis -cimetidine -crizotinib -digoxin -diuretics -female hormones, like estrogens or progestins and birth control pills -gemfibrozil -glycopyrrolate -insulin -isoniazid -ketoconazole -lamotrigine -medicines for blood pressure, heart disease, irregular heart beat -memantine -methazolamide -midazolam -midodrine -morphine -niacin -phenothiazines like chlorpromazine, mesoridazine, prochlorperazine, thioridazine -phenytoin -procainamide -propantheline -quinidine -quinine -ranitidine -ranolazine -rifampin -steroid medicines like prednisone or cortisone -thyroid hormones -topiramate -trimethoprim -trospium -vancomycin -vandetanib -zonisamide.

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Tell your doctor right away if any of these unlikely but serious side effects occur. numbness/tingling of arms/legs.painful/swollen joints.

Isoniazid is effective in helping to prevent tuberculosis in people not infected with HIV.

Signs of an allergic rash. hives. itching. red.swollen.blistered.or buy isoniazid online skin with or without fever. wheezing. tightness in the chest or throat. trouble breathing.swallowing.or buy isoniazid online. unusual hoarseness. or swelling of the mouth.face.lips.tongue.or throat. Signs of high blood sugar like confusion.feeling sleepy.more thirst.more hungry.passing urine more breathing.or breath buy isoniazid online smells like fruit. Signs of lupus like a rash on the cheeks or other body parts.sunburn easy.muscle or joint pain.chest pain or shortness of breath.or swelling in the arms or legs. Signs of a pancreas problem (pancreatitis) like very bad stomach pain.very bad back pain.or very bad upset stomach or throwing up. Signs of too much acid in the blood (acidosis) like confusion. fast breathing. fast heartbeat. a heartbeat the does not feel normal. very bad stomach pain.upset stomach.or throwing up. feeling very sleepy. shortness of breath. or feeling very tired or weak. A burning.numbness.or tingling feeling that is not normal. Seizures. Feeling confused. Memory problems or loss. Change in eyesight. Mood changes. Fever or chills. Joint pain or swelling. Any unexplained bruising or bleeding. Feeling very tired or weak. Enlarged breasts. A very bad skin reaction (toxic epidermal necrolysis) may happen. It can cause very bad health problems that may not go away.and sometimes death. Get medical help right away if you have signs like red.swollen.blistered.or peeling skin (with or without fever). red or irritated eyes. or sores in your mouth.throat.nose.or eyes.

Use this medicine for the full prescribed length of time. Your symptoms may improve before the infection is completely cleared. Skipping doses may also increase your risk of further infection that is resistant to antibiotics. Isoniazid will not treat a viral infection such as the flu or a common cold.

Be sure to see your doctor regularly while you are taking this medicine. Reschedule any appointments you miss.

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