If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding, let your doctor know before you begin taking procardia xl, as it is not known whether this medication could harm an unborn or breastfeeding child.
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Patients order procardia medication withdrawn from beta order procardia medication may develop a withdrawal syndrome with increased angina.probably related to increased sensitivity to catecholamines. Initiation of PROCARDIA treatment will not prevent this occurrence and might be expected to exacerbate it by provoking reflex catecholamine release. There have been occasional reports of increased angina in a setting of beta blocker withdrawal and PROCARDIA initiation. It is important to taper beta blockers if possible.rather than stopping them abruptly before beginning PROCARDIA.
There have been rare reports of an interaction between quinidine and nifedipine (with a decreased plasma level of quinidine).
Procardia (nifedipine) is indicated for the management of vasospastic angina confirmed by any of the following criteria. 1) classical pattern of angina at rest accompanied by ST segment elevation.2) angina or coronary artery spasm provoked by ergonovine.or 3) angiographically demonstrated coronary artery spasm. In those patients who have had angiography.the presence of significant fixed obstructive disease is not incompatible with the diagnosis of vasospastic angina.provided that the above criteria are satisfied. Procardia may also be used where the clinical presentation suggests a possible vasospastic component but where vasospasm has not been confirmed.e.g..where pain has a variable threshold on exertion or when angina is refractory to nitrates and/or adequate doses of beta blockers.
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