صفحه اصلی / دسته بندی نشده (صفحه 83)

دسته بندی نشده

اسماعیلی: ۹۰ دقیقه برای کسب پیروزی می‌جنگیم

به گزارش کسب و کار، فرشید اسماعیلی هافبک تیم فوتبال استقلال با حضور در نشست خبری دیدار با الهلال اظهار کرد: الهلال دو روز پیش قهرمان لیگ عربستان شد و یکی از تیم های خوب و قدرتمند آسیا است. او ادامه داد: درست است که این تیم شانسی برای صعود …

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“بنیاد حفظ آثار” حمله موشکی به سوریه را محکوم کرد

بنیاد حفظ آثار و نشر ارزش‌های دفاع مقدس در بیانیه‌ای با محکومیت شدید حمله موشکی مثلث شرارت غربی به سوریه، این جنایت بزرگ را بیانگر شکست خفت بار آمریکا و متحدان غربی – عربی واشنگتن در جنگ‌های نیابتی ترویست‌های تکفیری در منطقه دانست. به گزارش کسب و کار به نقل …

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طنین «سرنا»ها از فردا در «سیمره»

دبیر علمی جشنواره موسیقی «سورناوا»، گفت: جشنواره ملی «سورناوا» در دو بخش مقاله و سُرنا نوازی با هدف روحیه، گسترش فرهنگ شادی و امید و با رویکرد همدلی و همبستگی در میان اقوام ایرانی ۲۶ تا ۲۸ فروردین ماه در «دره شهر»،شهر تاریخی سیمره از بخش‌های استان ایلام برگزار می‌شود. …

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کلید خوردن صادرات گاز به عمان به تیرماه موکول شد

توافق‌نامه صادرات گاز از ایران به عمان در ۲۵ اسفندماه سال ۱۳۸۳ امضاء شد. طبق این قرارداد ۲۵ ساله صادرات گاز به عمان باید تا سال ۲۰۰۸ با ۳۰ میلیون مترمکعب آغاز و در سال ۲۰۱۲ به ۷۰ میلیون مترمکعب می‌رسید، این قرارداد تاکنون اجرا نشده است و درحالی که …

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زرآبادی: حمایت از کالای ایرانی در گرو مهار قاچاق، رانت و فساد اداری است

یک عضو کمیسیون صنایع و معادن مجلس گفت: حمایت از کالای ایرانی زمانی اتفاق می‌افتد که تولیدکننده حمایت شود تا کالایی باکیفیت، رقابت‌پذیر و با هزینه تمام شده پایین تولید کند، در این صورت اشتغال و صادرات هم رونق خواهد گرفت البته به شرط آنکه قاچاق، رانت و فساد اداری …

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Job Description, Pay, And Growth

Tired of the prolonged commutes, stuffy offices, or maybe having to placed on pants each morning? For some web applications, it's an excellent practice to keep light HandlerSocket connections set up (persistent connections), in order that plenty of requests can give attention to main logic (the #3 in the higher …

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Chair-ity Fundraiser Regarding Charity

This is an easy fundraiser idea for just about any group, whether a education, the bible, non-profit, or cause-related relationship. Accomplishing a ‘chair-ity' fundraiser is so simple, but yet so money-making, that you'll be surprised your outcomes. You see, a new chair-ity fundraiser centers around fund-collecting with chairs, new or …

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Chair-ity Fundraiser With regard to Charity

Triumphant production firm owners adopt extremely practical methods with regard to utilizing standard, foreseeable astriction. Very much, with fact, it really is frequently regarded as “part in the job. very well In a new career utilizing indefinite behavior to always be constructed, degreasing solvents operating inside of the hospital almost …

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Personnel Health Danger Examination The matters Solvents Companies Do Not Want A person to Recognize

Successful production supplier owners use extremely inspiring methods to get employing ordinary, foreseeable unnecessary and harmful tension. A new, around fact, it happens to be frequently regarded as “part from the job. inches In some sort of task with infinite actions to always be designed, degreasing solvents operating in the …

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Workforce Health Hazard Examination The situations Solvents Dealers Do Not really Intend One to Recognize

This is an easy fundraiser idea for almost any group, many people a education, ceremony, nonprofit, and also cause-related business. Engaging in a ‘chair-ity' fundraiser is very simple, nevertheless so lucrative, that you'll be surprised by your benefits. You view, some sort of chair-ity fundraiser centers around fundraising with ergonomic …

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Take a look at Writing Business Different Kinds Of Take a look at Writing Company

It is really an easy fundraiser idea for your group, whether it is a education, chapel, non-profit, or possibly cause-related lending broker. Undertaking a ‘chair-ity' fundraiser is so simple, nevertheless so money-making, that certainly be surprised about your effects. You view, some sort of chair-ity fundraiser revolves around money-collecting with …

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Workers Health Associated risk Examination The points Solvents Providers Do In no way Wish One to Fully understand

This is an easy fundraiser idea for any group, whether it is a the school, religious organization, nonprofit, or perhaps cause-related company. Undertaking a ‘chair-ity' fundraiser is very simple, even though so successful, that you'll be pleasantly surprised about your outcomes. You discover, some chair-ity fundraiser orbits around fund-collecting with …

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Chair-ity Fundraiser Just for Charity

Nowadays, managers are already bombarded utilizing hype about one or possibly the other one enhancement procedure. Nevertheless most of the improvements was initiated without having scientific explanation that many people genuinely deliver the results, hence certainly, there was numerous chaff within wheat, so to speak. Organizations have been regularly put …

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Chair-ity Fundraiser Meant for Charity

Profitable production company owners take up extremely informative methods to get employing usual, direct pressure. A great deal, on fact, it’s frequently viewed as “part with the job. very well In the job utilizing infinite tactics to be produced, degreasing solvents working inside of the middle almost never are generally …

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